Status Archives

So many KODAK moments in 2019…
This is it! our last newsletter for the year and decade!

Thank you for visiting anyone of our studio locations this year and making memories with our team.  We are truly blessed and thankful to the wonderful students and staff that make our days brighter and better. It really is a joy and pleasure to get on the dance floor with a  great bunch of people.

Christmas is my favorite time of year and I love everything about it -from the Christmas spirit, the family time, the food and the holidays.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year & New Decade in 2020!!

In the meantime we have a brief up to the minute newsletter with all the information you need for January and resume dates for all our venues.  I am very mindful of how time poor everyone is this time of year so I’m keeping it short and sweet.

My Message: Remember to take time out for you… breathe and relax.  Do something for yourself.  Yes be selfish, take some R&R time, read a book, visit a friend, turn off social
media, go for a walk, start a holiday saving account and don’t dip into it until you reach your goal, try something new -a change is as good as a holiday.  Go through that wardrobe and get rid of those unwanted, unworn clothes. Best things in life are FREE.. Give of your time and take time to Listen and always send someone a SMILE.  Let’s not forget those doing it tough through our worst Bushfire Season ever and the bravery of our firefighters.

Reflecting on 2019 What were your top 3 memories?
Here are mine
1. Christmas in July with Lucky Seven
2.  Going back home to Woodcroft
3. Pj Party

Pyjama Party Review
What a great night we had! Everyone looked great in their Pjs and how amazing were The Aston Martinis.
Congratulations to our raffle winners and Student of the Year Margaret Vickers. We can’t wait to bring you more
exciting events in 2020. Now grab a pen and jot down the Save the Dates below.

2020 Save the Date
Blue Suede Shoes Must Events for your diaries
Roaring 20’s Ball Sat 18 April
Christmas in July  Sat 25 July
WSDC Dance Championships Sat 1 August
End of Year Christmas Party Sat 28 Nov

When will we be back?
Concord Wed 15 January
Emu Plains & Camden RSL Mon 20 January
Gosford Wed 29 January
Woodcroft Thurs 30 January
Mayfield Mon 3 February
Club Toukley Tuesday 4 February
Katoomba 11 February
Ettalong TBC
Lessons page here

What’s NEW??
We are looking to expand in 2 new regions in the Eastern Suburbs and Macquarie Region for 2020.  Stay tuned for
Medal workshops for anyone wishing to do their medals in 2020
Taster Courses  – bringing back some of our
ballroom/latin/balboa styles

New Events
High Tea Afternoon Sydney
Rumble Dance Tournament Sydney

January in Review

Swing Kids

What a great journey the Swing Kids have had in 2019.  Workshops will continue in 2020 and weekly classes during the summer break are being held at East Gosford.
Reminder the Active Kids Vouchers are available once again from January 2020 for Services NSW.

5 Ways to survive the school holidays while we are off
1.Watch our Blue Suede Shoes YouTube channel to brush up on your moves click here
2.Go out social dancing
3.Get together with friends and practice
4.Start a suggestion box with some fun ideas we can
incorporate in 2020.  What sort of new courses or workshops would you like to see, class theme nights etc
5.Why not challenge yourself – 20 moves in 20 minutes (great exercise too)

January Festivals of interest
Parkes Elvis Festival 8-12 Jan
Lady Luck festival 18 Jan

Gig Guide Link Here will be updated every Wednesday Check out New Years Eve Events now


What you Get will never make you happy in the long term.
Who you become and what your contribute will.

From the Blue Suede Shoes Team
Thank you for an AWESOME year!