Unlocking May
Dance In May and beyond
As we prepare for the new season of winter my goal is to encourage and inspire everyone to move their body and what better way? DANCE! Yes..I’m biased…
Did you know studies over the last 10 years found by contracting your muscles you secret proteins and chemicals that can make you resilient to stress . By bringing movement into your life you release these “hope proteins” and ignite a positive energy within you. Therefore, DANCE can only be good for your mood and lift your vibration instantly.
Don’t believe me give it a go and see how you can elevate your wellbeing.
New courses
First Lesson Free
Continuing the theme of GIVING in 2024. We are offering First Lesson FREE.
Please also see Refer a Friend Program below for details on how long term students can
receive FREE lessons too.
Learn to DANCE New courses
Are you ready to liven up your social life with some rock and roll dancing or Swing? If you’ve always wanted to learn how to move and groove to the rhythm of these iconic dance styles, then look no further.
The classes are fun, friendly and engaging with a high energy vibe and easy step by step
instructions. Don’t be shy give us a call and give it a try.

It’s not too late to enrol!
Concord 24 April
Emu Plains 29 April
Clarendon Tavern & Gosford 2 May
Halloween in July
Buy your ticket NOW! $25
Halloween is our theme for this year Christmas in July with Flattrakkers performing.
Engage in the fun of dressing up for the event to add that bit of excitement.
Always a great opportunity for a get together.
Where? Gosford Hall
When? Saturday 20 July
What time? 7pm-11-pm
It has been a long 5 years since the last event.
I would like to thank Tracey Geddes for her raffle donations. If you have a business and would like to donate prizes please email me.
There will be BEST DRESSED prizes to continue the long time tradition.
Let’s have a bit of FUN, all welcomed to come along.
Email for bank details or head to our Event ticket page

Gosford Corner
Disruption for Gosford in May
Reminder there are no classes Thursday 16 May. We are there this week 9 May and return again 23 May.
Café dance classes at Gosford
Warm up and enjoy! We are going to start Café dance classes at Gosford. The perfect way to warm up the body and soothe the soles during the cooler July weather. We are bringing back refreshments during the cooler weather in July in conjunction with our workshops.
Adding a cozy touch to the workshops by enjoying a drink or snack while you socialise and relax at class.
Pot Luck night!
The last week of our June course we are going to have a pot luck night. Bring a plate to share. The class times for Thursday 27 June are as follows
RocknRoll 6.30pm Social dancing 7.30pm
This will be the last night of our mid year course at Gosford as we will be pausing to run our workshops during July and new courses will recommence Thursday 8 August.

August is our Birthday month
We will celebrate our Birthday at our Halloween in July event and further celebrations with an open invite to all students on Thursday 1st August for a Dinner at La Fiamma Ettalong. Bookings are essential.
Please RSVP for this special event.

July workshops
We have changes coming for the month of July at Gosford. There will be no new courses run in July instead we are running individual workshops each week with a different flavour. Please note the workshops available below and send us your suggestion for week 4.

Student Profile Vids are back
The Student Profile Videos are a great way to showcase our students and the different walks of life that come on to the dance floor. They are back and we look forward to bringing them to you from each venue.
Lets talk Shop
Learn to Dance Vouchers
Did you know aside from dance classes and dance events you can buy gift vouchers for birthday gifts and special occasions. There are Learn to Dance Vouchers from $65 to $120 available. Wedding Dance Vouchers from $440 also available.
We are taking orders once again for ladies and mens Tee Shirts and Jackets
Tee Shirts $40 and Jackets $120
Shoes can be purchased by appointment. Send me an email for further details.

BSS Dance Calendar
Get your calendars ready because there are some amazing events coming up at Blue Suede Shoes
May is Frankie Month join one of our swing classes
July Workshops Gosford Hall
Gosford Socials 21 June, 16 August, 20 September, 15 November Gosford Hall
Halloween in July Saturday 20 July Gosford Hall
Birthday Dinner Thursday 1 August La Fiamma Ettalong
Chromefest Sockhop Friday 25 October Long Jetty Hall
Xmas Party 30 November Castle Hill Bowling Club

Lets start a conversation
What comes first music or dance?
I would be interested to hear your feedback on this topic. It is like what came first the chicken or the egg ?
Considering the sense of hearing would make one think music, you hear a bird sing, you hear a particular sound and that would make you move to the rhythm your hear. However, I then realise we walk, we run, we are moving constantly to a particular rhythm in our day without music and I can dance without music. There is music inwards -in our heads, in our hearts and in our soul that we listen to and we do not necessarily in that situation hear the music that is played outward.
What are your thoughts?
Refer a friend progam
Would you like FREE lessons? Yes FREE
Refer a friend and when they enrol earn a FREE lesson

Courtesy Call
We appreciate your courtesy call and would like to thank you for the kind consideration.

Be the type of energy that no matter where you go,
you always add value to the spaces and lives around you
Anna & Justin